Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Try something new

I believe change is positive! To create change you need to first look at what you have in order to decide what do you want change. When making a change your brain starts to search for ideas or solutions; in fact all your senses are taking part in this activity. This takes you out of your comfort zone and as a result you get more creative.

There was a popular diet in Holland a few years a go that promoted not eating the same food more than once a day. So if you had bread at lunch you couldn’t have had it for dinner as well. People reported weight loss.
I have also read about a system claiming that in order to loose weight you don’t have to change your diet. It is the way you do things you should change. Most people fall into a schedule that works for them and go in the same route to work every day, eat the same breakfast etc. The idea is to change that. Take a different route to work, go to a museum at lunch break, try something new and break routines.

My worst habit is cooking the same old familiar food that I am familiar with from my mum's kitchen. It’s easy, I don’t have to make a shopping list or check the recipe when I am cooking. So I am taking the challenge of trying a new recipe at least once a week. If successful, I will publish the recipe.

What new thing will you try?


  1. I too need a few new recipes to try, so do share your new creations (if they come out all right that is). How are the changes coming along? Keep it up and don't despair if you go back one step for every two steps forward. Go with the flow. xxx

  2. Will share any successful reciepe!
    The changes are coming along fine! It is easier than i thought although i must be more stricked with myself and get myself out of what i am doing to manage to fit in the Yoga /aerobic before my 11pm bed time. This is an area i am not too good at but even if i am going to sleep before mid night i am a lot better than i was before i started this blog :-).
