Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Whirlpool

Change in general is perceived as stressful. Change can occur out of conscious decision to change one or several things in one’s life. This is usually a controlled situation and just like anything else in life, as the idea comes from within the feelings towards it is predominantly positive. It doesn’t mean the process will be easy, but as the first step was done out of free will then usually the steps that follows will be a natural progress.

Change can also happen due to changed circumstances in ones life.  A lot of people take this change as stressful as they have no control over it and they didn’t plan for it in advance. The feelings are mostly of wanting to cling to the familiar past. It is like someone is pulling the carpet under your feet; you can try and constantly steady yourself but you will probably be better off jumping off the carpet.

In both type of change nothing can be planned to perfection. A planned change can also get you into situations or conditions that you didn’t envisage in advance. 

Change can bring challenges that some people may perceive as difficulties. It is all about looking at the half full or half empty cup. If you look at the half empty cup it will be difficult. If you see the half full cup you will see the endless possibilities of filling the cup to the brim. It will turn into an adventure, a learning process that will end in personal growth and will bring with it positive changes.

Every few years I find myself in the process of change. Some times it is planned and others it isn’t. As I said in my post ‘Try something new’ ( I see change in a positive way. I feel excited about it but there are moments that I simply let go. I let external powers take me to wherever I should be. By doing so it leaves me in a position that I can engage in all the options that come my way and choose the right one for me. By viewing all the options I can also shape better what I want from my life. It is like a chain reaction. One opportunity can take you to places you have never dreamed you will get to. To me it looks like a whirlpool where everything is pulled towards the same spot, which is the target you aim for, in perfection.

How do you percieve change?

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