I did it! It was in the wrong hour of the day, it was nearly midnight when I finished writing my blog last night, but once it was published I had to do my 15 minutes Yoga exercise.
It was the wrong time of the day as Yoga is a great energiser and is best done in the mornings. But I am a mum that is waken up at least once a night who is peeling herself out of bed at 6:30 am without the caffeine booster. However, the relaxation at the end of the Yoga routine helped calming down and I had no trouble sleeping.
The beauty of it was that although it was late and I did plan on 15 minutes practice only, I ended up practicing for half an hour.
I did feel a bit like a rusty bike but that is exactly why I wanted to do more of it.
It is like waking up in the morning, the body is still stiff, and you reach with your arms for a good stretch out. It’s the feeling of wakening up all the organs of your body and you really feel alive!
So yes, Niky was right! No ifs, no buts, just do it! And that is true for everything in life.
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