Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Right here, right now!

Most people do not live in the present.  They are either experiencing the present with the influence of the past or experiencing the present with thought about what the future would bring. Both ways spoils the experience of the present.

The past is no longer here, so there is no point of thinking about past experiences and let them affect your present. It is like the business man who failed in the past and carries the feeling of failure to his current business. If he feels worthless as a business man because of his past, that is exactly what he will be!
The same goes for the business man who keeps worried about his possible failure in the future. You can plan your future growth in your business but if the situation changes you would only be able to act to the best of your ability if you live in the present.

When we are living in the present it means we are living life to its full potential.  It is very similar to what I was writing about in my post ‘The pink glasses’ ( regarding the people who gets to their target unhappy and the ones that do not achieve their target but are happy with the path they took. Living in the present allows you to see the opportunities along the way. Children are living in the present naturally. You can see them sometimes playing alone and they are so engrossed in their game they wouldn’t here when you are talking to them. They really do enjoy themselves!
For adults, with past experiences, this is a bit more difficult to do but you can take time in the day and try and be just in the present. You can do that by meditating.

Meditation is not easy for most people as our minds are like monkeys who keep jumping from one thought to another. The best way is to concentrate on one thing only. Some look at a flame of a candle, other concentrate on the sensation of the air coming in and out of the nostrils while breathing you can even do your gardening or your Yoga practice. The most important thing is that you will concentrate on that only. This frees you from thoughts about the past or the future and allows you to enjoy yourself. Once you have master that try and apply it to the rest of your life.

In the book Yoga Mind & Body (Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre) you can read more about meditation techniques.

Enjoy the journey! 

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