Tuesday, 12 October 2010

I've kicked the habit!

A month ago I used to drink around 4 cups of coffee a day and another 4 cups of black tea. I love my coffee! I love the smell; the taste and I found the tea relaxing at the end of a long day. Running between 2 boys under 6 years old and juggling a job as well I felt I needed it. This was MY comfort zone. 

One morning I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe the state of my face. Ok, I do understand we all get older and things like this is a natural decline of the cells but why now? To start with I blamed it on the sleepless nights I had in the past five and something years, ever since my first child was born. It was easy and I could really convince myself. But after a while I decided to fight back. I thought I couldn’t let it happen to me. Not that quickly any way.  I do know that caffeine dehydrates the body, therefore, definitely not going to help my facial, so I decided to go cold turkey! In the first couple of days I had such a bad Migraine I couldn’t function. Luckily, my dear husband was around to help out with the boys. For the rest of the first week I felt very tiered and couldn’t concentrate on anything.  It wasn’t nice but I knew I had to get through it to reach to a better state. And here I am, exactly one month after I stopped my habit and I am fine. I am feeling brilliant. I am not an addict anymore (you do know caffeine is addictive, don’t you?)

After starting the change in my life I have read something John Assaraf  (http://www.johnassaraf.com) wrote. He was on his 4th day without sugar and he said a change leads to other changes.  And I thought actually; why not take advantage of where I was then and act in all areas of my life that needs to develop.  So here I am, writing this blog mainly to myself, but hoping someone else will read it as well, send some support or advice and may be, just may be will take something from it to their own life.
Next I am going to deal with my yoga and aerobics exercise. I was slacking in the past couple of months ever since we left London.


  1. It's 10 pm, I'm reading your blog while drnking a cup of coffee. Well done for quitting - I might just do it too one day! p.s. I gave up chocolate. :-(

  2. Well done for quiting the chocolate, Ofrit! Keep up the good work!

  3. Well, we all have to have a bad habit and quit one to feel better with ourselves. So like your cousin, I am having a cup of coffee but I gave up sex.
    Staaaam :-)

    but the blog is looking good and interesting! Keep up the healthy lifestyle!! xx

  4. Thanks Issac! will try to keep it interesting and benefitial as possible. x

  5. Hi Orita, Here is a "For life" with a glass of water for your new start

  6. Congrats on quitting.
    If I quit my caffeine fix, I'd have to quit my other drugs that keep me at an even keel. And that's too hard. It's so much easier to do that delicate balance each day between the uppers and the downers :-)

  7. get onto roasted dandelion tea as a substitute for your morning coffee. Great for the liver. Dandelion soy latte is tooo good. love the blog
    and good luck

  8. @Omri, cheers!! i drink herbal teas as well...
    @ David, I am not very good at balancing...i am a person of extreems. Its all or nothing for me. That is why i quit smoking 6 years ago and can't even take a puff here and there. We are all diffrenet and that is why this world is so beautiful, isn't it?
    @ Evelyn, just finished my last tea bag of Dandelion tea. Will go on a hunt for it.

  9. Hey cuz,
    I think you are doing a great thing, and I will be following your progress.I would like to know more about the 'transformation', and what you did to stop sliding back into'just one cup coffee'

  10. Hey Rani,
    About the transformation you will have to follow me up and see how I am progressing from who i am now to a better person in the future. That is physically as well as mentally. As for the coffee, it's quite easy, I am just reminding myself what it was like in those 2 days of Migraine after I kicked the habit and this is good enough for me. I wouldn't wish it on my enemies. I also know myself well enough to know that one cup of coffee leads to the next four...

  11. Don't be so hard on yourself. Have a cup if you feel like it. It's only coffee and like you said, it smells and tastes so good.

  12. so... how is the state of your face now? the suspension is killing me


  13. Its been only one months and i gave myself 3 months to see results. I probably won't see the difference but i asked my cousin, who doesn't see me on a daily basis to keep an eye on the subject.
