Sunday, 31 October 2010

You are only a smile away...

I am not sure if it’s the weather, the gray sky or the change of the clock but I have been speaking to a few people and we all shared the feeling of anger, frustration, not feeling like doing anything and generally being a little low for our usual self.

I am normally not a down person and during my low day my younger son did or said something that maid me smile. I felt the immediate change in my mood and did a little research about it. I knew about the effect of the smile on the mental state and I am sure a lot of the readers know it as well but here is a little reminder to us all.

The muscles we use for smiling send our brain a message of what mood we are in. So even if we are not happy and we put an imposed smile on our face it will put us in a happier mood and even make a joke seem funnier. This is a self help medicine when you are at work or in a position that you have to keep at what you are doing.

When you have the time meet up with people that you are likely to have a laugh with, watch a funny movie or remind yourself about funny past events you’ve experienced.

When combining the smile with slow breathing you can lower the level of stress you are in.

And one more thing about smiling…it is a king of exercise to your facial muscles and therefore prevents aged looking face. It also relaxes the people you will meet and will attract them to you. Smiles are contagious so you will end up being surrounded with smiley people. And there is nothing like a positive environment to feel generally uplifted.

Try it! What can you loose? Maximum you’ll feel better!

Friday, 29 October 2010


Nearly everyone knows how important charity is. The one that have gives away to the one that don’t have. Sound simple enough and most common is to give 10% of your income, as long as it doesn’t turn you into a needy person of course. And yet, not a lot of people collect regularly in a charity box or give regularly money to charity organisations. 

According to an interesting theory I have read when one gives charity there are three benefiters. The first one is the recipient who gets the charity and fulfils his needs. The second is the donor, as by giving donation one benefit spiritually. By giving away from what one has the donor is actually saying that he is rich. He can spare from what he has and therefore he must be grateful for his situation. And the more grateful you are for what you have the more you’ll have. But the third benefiter is our world. By giving away from what we have we make sure that the ones that do not have will rise to a higher step than they are at the moment. We might even save life!

In my home we have a charity box. We collect money on a regular basis and when we have what we think is substantial amount, we pass it on to a charity for the poor. But there are all kinds of ways to be charitable. You can volunteer in places that are based on charity; you can donate to an organisation you believe in or that helped you or a member of your family in the past, and recently I found that you can also donate via recycling. Amazing! You have all the tree benefiters in one J

It might be worth it to look around for things that have been with you for a long time and were not in use. It might be really useful for someone else. It might dramatically improve someone’s life.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Whirlpool

Change in general is perceived as stressful. Change can occur out of conscious decision to change one or several things in one’s life. This is usually a controlled situation and just like anything else in life, as the idea comes from within the feelings towards it is predominantly positive. It doesn’t mean the process will be easy, but as the first step was done out of free will then usually the steps that follows will be a natural progress.

Change can also happen due to changed circumstances in ones life.  A lot of people take this change as stressful as they have no control over it and they didn’t plan for it in advance. The feelings are mostly of wanting to cling to the familiar past. It is like someone is pulling the carpet under your feet; you can try and constantly steady yourself but you will probably be better off jumping off the carpet.

In both type of change nothing can be planned to perfection. A planned change can also get you into situations or conditions that you didn’t envisage in advance. 

Change can bring challenges that some people may perceive as difficulties. It is all about looking at the half full or half empty cup. If you look at the half empty cup it will be difficult. If you see the half full cup you will see the endless possibilities of filling the cup to the brim. It will turn into an adventure, a learning process that will end in personal growth and will bring with it positive changes.

Every few years I find myself in the process of change. Some times it is planned and others it isn’t. As I said in my post ‘Try something new’ ( I see change in a positive way. I feel excited about it but there are moments that I simply let go. I let external powers take me to wherever I should be. By doing so it leaves me in a position that I can engage in all the options that come my way and choose the right one for me. By viewing all the options I can also shape better what I want from my life. It is like a chain reaction. One opportunity can take you to places you have never dreamed you will get to. To me it looks like a whirlpool where everything is pulled towards the same spot, which is the target you aim for, in perfection.

How do you percieve change?

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Right here, right now!

Most people do not live in the present.  They are either experiencing the present with the influence of the past or experiencing the present with thought about what the future would bring. Both ways spoils the experience of the present.

The past is no longer here, so there is no point of thinking about past experiences and let them affect your present. It is like the business man who failed in the past and carries the feeling of failure to his current business. If he feels worthless as a business man because of his past, that is exactly what he will be!
The same goes for the business man who keeps worried about his possible failure in the future. You can plan your future growth in your business but if the situation changes you would only be able to act to the best of your ability if you live in the present.

When we are living in the present it means we are living life to its full potential.  It is very similar to what I was writing about in my post ‘The pink glasses’ ( regarding the people who gets to their target unhappy and the ones that do not achieve their target but are happy with the path they took. Living in the present allows you to see the opportunities along the way. Children are living in the present naturally. You can see them sometimes playing alone and they are so engrossed in their game they wouldn’t here when you are talking to them. They really do enjoy themselves!
For adults, with past experiences, this is a bit more difficult to do but you can take time in the day and try and be just in the present. You can do that by meditating.

Meditation is not easy for most people as our minds are like monkeys who keep jumping from one thought to another. The best way is to concentrate on one thing only. Some look at a flame of a candle, other concentrate on the sensation of the air coming in and out of the nostrils while breathing you can even do your gardening or your Yoga practice. The most important thing is that you will concentrate on that only. This frees you from thoughts about the past or the future and allows you to enjoy yourself. Once you have master that try and apply it to the rest of your life.

In the book Yoga Mind & Body (Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre) you can read more about meditation techniques.

Enjoy the journey! 

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The pink glasses

The definition for optimism by Oxford English Dictionary is "hopefulness and confidence about the future or successful outcome of something; a tendency to take a favourable or hopeful view”. To have this attitude a person must be able to visualise the outcome and focus on the possible options of get there.  The optimist must have self confidence, enthusiasm and determination but also confidence in the operation of this world. It is that trust that really helps to get the optimist to the target as it omits stress. Once a person is relaxed he can make the right decisions after weighing up all the options.

The good news is that optimism can be taught. You may need to practice a little but if instead of choosing to look at what is the worst thing that can happen you’ll opt to view in your imagination what is the best thing that will happen you are already half way to success. By imagining the positive outcome you are setting yourself the target you wish to get to. Once you have a target you can just lay the steps of how to get there.

I read once in The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield that there is no coincident. According to this book the world is based on energies that are attracted to similar energies. The most common example is how many times you thought of a person and then the phone rung and that person was on the other side? If that is the case (today you might heard it is called ‘The Law of Attraction’) then as the optimist start to plan his way for the target the whole universe will connect to the plan and make it work.

I am sure some of you know people that are super motivated and enthusiastic and have positive thinking and they still didn’t get what they wanted.  How can this be explained? This is where I personally believe that your target or your way didn’t agree with operating system of this world and that is why no collaboration was formed. But most important, I truly believe that it is not the end target that is important but it is the way you got there. If you got to the end of your journey in a positive and stress free way it is a lot better than getting there with the target under your arm and no joy in your life.

I knew a very brave woman who used to say that she is always looking at the world through pink glasses and then everything looks fine. She was my mum and today is her memorial day.
Today’s post is dedicated for her soul elevation.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Our Fabulous mind

A few posts ago I mentioned that I found Yoga by pure luck. This is not true! At the time I wrote the post that was what I remembered about getting to my first Yoga class. The truth is slightly different.
Seven years ago a friend of mine, who at the time was writing his novel, praised a book call The Artist Way by Julia Cameron. He told me the book was written mainly for writers who suffer from writers’ block but that he thought it could help anyone in their life.
Once I bought the book and had a look at it I realised this is actually a twelve weeks course with weekly tasks. One of the basic tasks that start from the first week and continue throughout the course is the ‘morning pages’. Those are pages a person who is taking the course upon himself commits to write every morning before he does anything else. 
I remember struggling at first with the idea but slowly it became apart of me.
One of the tasks was to explore something that was new to me. This is how I got to my first Yoga class.

Now it is my turn to praise the book! Although it is a twelve weeks course for artist who suffer from creativity block, and I do not consider myself an artist, the results of the course for me were life changing.
I was a little lost in my life at the time and stayed in the same place as I wasn’t sure where I wanted to be.  I truly believe that it is because I followed the course not only did I found Yoga but I also applyed for a job I wouldn’t have dare to before. That alone improved my social, personal and spiritual life.

I have no idea why my mind wondered there today but suddenly I realised that me writing the blog, although not first thing in the morning, resembles a little the ‘morning pages’ and me trying new recipes, taking up new hobbies is all too similar to the tasks in the course I took about seven years ago and didn’t even remember doing it.

I think it is amazing how our mind adopt things to itself and uses it later as its own. I also think it must be a very powerful book to be able to influence in such a way.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Healthy habits for better life

I’ve been reading an article recently about 13 healthy habits to improve you life ( I must say that most of the habits mentioned in the article are either already part of my life or I am in the process of improving myself.

There was one thing that strike me and that is that I do not have a hobby!
Wikipedia definition for hobby ‘… is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation, typically done during one's leisure time.’

I always put down as hobbies Yoga, reading, dancing and gardening. If I am being honest with myself, Yoga is more a way of life and so is reading. I can’t remember the last time I went out dancing and I couldn’t really call the few plant pots I have "gardening"… so I got to the realisation that I actually don’t have a hobby.
As I am trying to improve my life, and this is the idea behind this blog, I decided to think of a hobby I can incorporate into my life. It didn’t take me long to figure out what it will be. About a month ago I got myself a beautiful Singer sawing machine. I was planning to do something with it but one thing led to another, and then I had a small accident and needed new material for the idea I had. Up to this moment, apart from shining it, as it is a very old machine, I didn’t do anything with it. So this will be my new hobby! I need to do a lot of learning as one can probably count on one hand the sawing I was doing on my mum’s sawing machine, but I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I love the fact that I have something new to learn about.
Once I’ll finish my first little project I will post it on the blog.

How about you? Do you have a hobby?

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Size Does matter!

I have received a few comments on the blog and from friends on Facebook etc. regarding the Yoga practice. Quite a few said they used to practice but no longer do although enjoyed it, other said they are still in the process of trying it and one friend said she needs to sweat to feel the workout.

I would like to thank all the readers for taking their time and comment on the blog.  As I am a great believer of the benefits of Yoga I would like to stress once again why you should resume or begin Yoga practice.

Firstly, Yoga is for all ages, stages, shapes or flexibility. Anyone can practice it as each asana (Yoga pose) can be done in several variations to fit all. You do need a good teacher to guide you at first.

As Yoga is a practice that if you keep it up you’ll see rapid changes in your ability, your mood, posture and your physique, not only does it naturally motivate you to continue the workout but it also sends your brain a positive message of ‘I can do it! I am progressing!’ and that in itself can reflect on the rest of your life.
If you are an aerobic type of person at least use some of the Yoga asana at the end of your practice so you benefit from the stretches after the workout and from calming your mind.

But one thing that I really love about Yoga is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. All you need is a space in the size of your yoga mat. So even if your house in not the size a mansion, or you go on a holiday you can always take your Yoga mat with you. Yoga can also be done while you are in the office and there is nothing like a spinal twist to relief your back or head rolls to relief the neck. You can practically use the Yoga asana like a tool kit that you pull out the relevant tool/asana when you need it. And if you are new to Yoga it will be worth your while to get the Yoga for beginner’s kit that includes a mat, a stretching belt and Yoga block to help with asana that may be too demanding for beginners. You will usually find inside those kits also a complementary DVD of Yoga practice. That could be helpful when you are new to Yoga and can’t remember all the asana from the class.

Breathe in and Relax….

Friday, 22 October 2010

I love Mediterranean!!

I set myself a target in to try a new recipe once a week. I also promised to publish any successful recipe. So here I am, not only about to publish a mouth watering, healthy, and easy to follow recipe but also giving you the image of a cool evening when you are rather hungry after a day that was too hot to eat anything. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce you to a Lebanese dish, although similar dishes are found all over the Mediterranean......(drums!!)

Spicy Chickpea and Aubergine (= Eggplant in America) Stew   
3 large aubergine, cubed
1 cup chickpeas, soaked overnight
1/4 cup olive oil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 large onions, chopped
½ teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
 teaspoons ground coriander
1 can chopped tomatoes
Salt and ground black pepper
Cooked rice, to serve

For the garnish
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion, sliced
1 garlic clove, sliced
Spring of coriander

Serve 4

1)      Place the aubergine pieces in a colander and sprinkle them with salt. Leave it for 30 min so all the bitter juice will drain. Rinse with water and dry on paper towel.
2)      Drain the soaked chickpeas, boil in water and then reduce the heat and leave it on low fire for about 30 min or until tender.
3)      Heat the oil in a large pan and on a low to medium fire add the garlic and onion till soften. Add the spices and cook while stirring for about 5 min. Add the aubergine cubes and stir with the onion and spices till everything looks like one big family that was never apart. Add the tomatoes and chickpeas, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for 20 min.
It takes about 20 min to prepare rice so you can do it at the same time or even if the rice is ready before the stew, don’t worry about it, just cover the rice pot (with the lid on) with a tea towel or several tea towels and it will keep the rice nice and hot.
4)      To make the garnish, heat the oil in a frying pan and when very hot add the sliced onion and garlic. Fry till golden and crisp. Serve the stew with rice, topped with the onion and garlic and garnished with coriander leaves.

The picture today is from my own camera as a proof I didn’t burn any pots J

It was a success! Even the kids cleaned the plates. My eldest son said it’s been the best dish he had had in a while. The younger one can’t express himself yet but was busy eating. The ‘Spicy’ at the title of the recipe doesn’t mean hot.
I must say that the quantities are for a very hungry four people. It could possible serve four people in the Mediterranean that keep the door open for the smell to travel and invite other people to the table. I cut the quantities in half, thinking that the kids wont eat much, and we still have enough left over’s for two adults with an additional salad needed or one adult and two kids.

I hope you’ll try this recipe. But if your taste buds are different you are most welcome to share your favourite recipe in the comments so everyone can enjoy.

Bon appetite!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Salute to the sun!

I had a brilliant day today! I woke us usual by my younger son at about 6am, that’s half an hour before the alarm, but I was in a good mood. However, my back was tight and very uncomfortable so I did my usual morning stretch that includes resting my bottom on my heels and stretching with my arms forward. But when I was out of the bed and my son was standing in the shower, an activity he can do for ages, I had a thought: Why not use these moments that the little one is in the shower, the older one is still asleep and I am up before my usual time any way?
So I stood opposite the bathroom open door in the corridor and as my son was showering facing me I did The Sun Salutation.
To those of you who is not familiar with Yoga, The Sun Salutation (in Sanskrit: Surya Namaskar) is a series of twelve movements that are following one another and are synchronized with breathing.  Every Yoga session is usually starts with The Sun Salutation as it moves the spine in different direction and aid flexibility. It is a very energising exercise that helps with focusing the mind. This is what it looks like:  It was amazing to watch my son’s reaction. He was standing in the shower looking at me and then started to imitate the movements I was doing in a small scale. Like lifting his head up and back or just smiling to me when he could see my face again after I was facing the floor.
I continued with my morning routine of kids and school and by the time I was at my work desk I was in a brilliant mood ready to take over the world!!
I use to practice Yoga together with my eldest son and he really enjoyed it. I think its time to resume that with both boys. I just love the idea!

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Be grateful to create a healthy you!

Scientists have started to check the relation between religion and good mental and physical health.  The psychologists Dr. Michael McCollough, of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, and Dr. Robert Emmons, of the University of California at Davis, found that the key factor for that was the feeling of gratitude, which is encouraged by all major religions.

In their research they took three groups of people. One group had to log down the events they have experienced during the day, the other group logged their unpleasant experiences of the day and the last group logged what they were grateful off in their day.

It turned out that the people from the third group were more determent, energetic, alert and optimist. They were also less depressed or stressed and were more willing to help others. They also tend to exercise more regularly and were more goal achievers.

The results of this study show that the benefits of physical and mental health due to gratitude are independent to religion. McCollough suggests that in order to increase your well being and create a positive social affect you should simply be grateful.

I think i'll try this method! As of today I will list, every night before I go to bed, the things I am grateful for. That can be a pleasant way to end a long day. But one can decide to do it every morning and start the day positively. In fact, you can do it morning and evening. It won’t harm, that’s for sure.
To read more about the research go to

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Try something new

I believe change is positive! To create change you need to first look at what you have in order to decide what do you want change. When making a change your brain starts to search for ideas or solutions; in fact all your senses are taking part in this activity. This takes you out of your comfort zone and as a result you get more creative.

There was a popular diet in Holland a few years a go that promoted not eating the same food more than once a day. So if you had bread at lunch you couldn’t have had it for dinner as well. People reported weight loss.
I have also read about a system claiming that in order to loose weight you don’t have to change your diet. It is the way you do things you should change. Most people fall into a schedule that works for them and go in the same route to work every day, eat the same breakfast etc. The idea is to change that. Take a different route to work, go to a museum at lunch break, try something new and break routines.

My worst habit is cooking the same old familiar food that I am familiar with from my mum's kitchen. It’s easy, I don’t have to make a shopping list or check the recipe when I am cooking. So I am taking the challenge of trying a new recipe at least once a week. If successful, I will publish the recipe.

What new thing will you try?

Monday, 18 October 2010

Back to the 80’s

I am not fat but after 2 kids I have this blubber around my belly that I’d rather see shed away. So I sought advice from a fitness instructor who exclaimed: the blubber will stay unless you will burn it off! That can be done by either starving oneself, which I am not going to do or burn it up with aerobic exercise. It’s that simple math equation that if you burn more than you eat you’ll loose body fat.
I checked out the facts and options about aerobics on and was persuaded immediately. I would like to increase my energy levels! I would like to release endorphin in my body which reduces stress! And I would like to increase my heart and lungs efficiency!
Since I become my kids’ chauffer I’ve decided to act upon it.
Outdoors activities and gym options were out of the question due to time limitation and poor weather. But there was also the option of indoors activity, which I can do in my own time. Bingo!
The personal trainer recommended Davina Mccall latest DVD .
It threw me back to the 80th when I was practicing Jane Fonda’s aerobic video. But I liked it! I sweated a lot (good sign!!) and I could choose which area I want to work on without compromising. The DVD is divided into half hour sections that are targeted onto one area but are working on the rest of the body at the same time. I am intending to do it 3 times a week with the option of extending it.
And yes, it was really difficult climbing up and down the stairs the next day… :-)

Sunday, 17 October 2010

The confusion about sleep

I have been really busy since starting the blog and adding some commitments into my busy life as a full time employed mum. I admit to being tiered!  And what is the point in quitting coffee drinking if I am going to damage my facial with luck of sleep?
My research about the subject got me really confused. I have learnt that best relaxed sleep for the body must be on top of the range pillows and mattresses,  that the best position for a relaxed sleep is on one side. On the other hand, I have learnt that sleeping in any position apart from on your back causes sleep wrinkles that are shaped from the pressure of the face on the pillow.  One Dr said a full night sleep is not important and naps through the day are good enough and other researches promote six to seven hours’ sleep. 
So I’ve decided to follow my own guideline. And that is: Get to bed by 11pm!  Oops! Its already 11pm now!  But it is really important and the main six reasons as explained by Harvard Health Publications of Harvard medical school ( are the effect of sleep on     learning and memory, metabolism and weight, safety, mood, cardiovascular health and disease.  As I care about all of the above, I am going to bed soon.

Good night everyone!
Have a restful sleep.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

The truth about Dandelion

In my first post, when I was ‘celebrating’ my first caffeine free month, Evelyn commented on my post that I should try roasted Dandelion coffee. So I did! Today was my first time and I must tell you that although Evelyn praised the Dandelion latte she makes mine tasted more like water that attempted to have some kind of flavour. But I am not the one to give up after my first cuppa, am I?  So I tried a second cup, this time with a hipped teaspoon of the granules I bought and I started to feel something that reminded me the taste of Fennel.  Only on my 3rd cup of Dandelion coffee could I say that the taste is fine but I couldn’t compare it to the taste or smell of coffee in any way.  However, as it has so many benefits I thought I should drink it daily.  The coffee is made of the root of the Dandelion plant and has effect on the digestion system, the lever and helps when there is water retention in the body and more.
I must say that buying the coffee in an instant granule form was putting me off a little. So I searched and found a website, that one day when I have a bit more time, I will definitely try following the instruction they had for making your own coffee. But you guys do not have to wait for me and can do it in your own time

Be healthy,


Friday, 15 October 2010

Look for the free massage bed in your area

Today I went for a warm bed massage treatment. I’ve done it before and each time I go I feel great afterwards. It is warm and easing the body. It also pushes the spine upwards (you lay on your back) so stretches the spine. I usually dose away so I get total relaxation. And the best thing is that it’s free! You are welcome any day and are encouraged to come daily. Although the massage beds are for sale there is no pressure on any of the users to buy one. The company is called Ceragem and you can find out a little more about thosed beds on Where I live they use the Ceragem – C type bed that by using Jade stones and infra red heat is claim to detox and re-aligne the body. The company operates around the world and I would strongly recommend looking it up in your area. Enjoy!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Why Niky is right!

I did it! It was in the wrong hour of the day, it was nearly midnight when I finished writing my blog last night, but once it was published I had to do my 15 minutes Yoga exercise.
It was the wrong time of the day as Yoga is a great energiser and is best done in the mornings. But I am a mum that is waken up at least once a night who is peeling herself out of bed at 6:30 am without the caffeine booster. However, the relaxation at the end of the Yoga routine helped calming down and I had no trouble sleeping.
The beauty of it was that although it was late and I did plan on 15 minutes practice only, I ended up practicing for half an hour.
 I did feel a bit like a rusty bike but that is exactly why I wanted to do more of it.
It is like waking up in the morning, the body is still stiff, and you reach with your arms for a good stretch out. It’s the feeling of wakening up all the organs of your body and you really feel alive!
So yes, Niky was right! No ifs, no buts, just do it! And that is true for everything in life.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Why Yoga??

I found Yoga, like most things in my life (and that includes my dear husband), by pure chance. About 14 years ago I jumped head first to a lake that unfortunately didn’t have much water in it. The top part of my head landed on the ground and from the motion my head tilted backwards towards my neck. It was a kind of a weep lush without being in a car. The pain was unbearable and I couldn’t turn my head or even hold it properly. I eventually got to see a Doctor and was told I was lucky to be alive or even walk. That accident left its mark and ever since I had pain in the right side of my neck. That pain used to regularly travel down below my right shoulder blade and to my lower back. I knew it was getting worse when the pain got to my right knee. I couldn’t even sit for long without having to shake that right leg from time to time. And then, one day seven years ago, for no apparent reason I decided to try out a Yoga class in my local gym.  I thought one only have to be a bit flexible to be able to do Yoga and I was strong as well from attending gym circuit classes. When I went into the Yoga room I felt confident. I thought I would be able to do everything that was on the menu. This was my first ego lesson… I suddenly realised that although naturally flexible my back was rather stiff and the Yoga poses were very demanding. I decided to go for it. I had to get better. It was a challenge to bit my own record each and every class. Some of the posses I still can’t do and some took me seven months of practice to be able to do. Some I’ve managed to progress my level in but after giving birth declined back down again. But one thing is sure; my back aches gone completely when I am practicing Yoga. When I am slacking, or can’t find the time in the day to fit the Yoga in my life the back aches come back to remind me what I am missing. So you could say for me Yoga is a necessity. But Yoga works also internally on the kidneys, the lever, the heart, the thyroid gland and other internal organs.  I know practicing an hour and a half daily would be ideal for me but I have to be realistic and look at my timetable. I think it would be fair to say that I can spare 15 minutes a day to start with and if I can, I should extend the practice. So this will be my next goal in the process of transforming my life.  If you’ve never done Yoga I would strongly recommend taking a few classes to get the postures under your belt and then start practice on your own. But if you have done it before, would you join my challenge?

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

I've kicked the habit!

A month ago I used to drink around 4 cups of coffee a day and another 4 cups of black tea. I love my coffee! I love the smell; the taste and I found the tea relaxing at the end of a long day. Running between 2 boys under 6 years old and juggling a job as well I felt I needed it. This was MY comfort zone. 

One morning I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe the state of my face. Ok, I do understand we all get older and things like this is a natural decline of the cells but why now? To start with I blamed it on the sleepless nights I had in the past five and something years, ever since my first child was born. It was easy and I could really convince myself. But after a while I decided to fight back. I thought I couldn’t let it happen to me. Not that quickly any way.  I do know that caffeine dehydrates the body, therefore, definitely not going to help my facial, so I decided to go cold turkey! In the first couple of days I had such a bad Migraine I couldn’t function. Luckily, my dear husband was around to help out with the boys. For the rest of the first week I felt very tiered and couldn’t concentrate on anything.  It wasn’t nice but I knew I had to get through it to reach to a better state. And here I am, exactly one month after I stopped my habit and I am fine. I am feeling brilliant. I am not an addict anymore (you do know caffeine is addictive, don’t you?)

After starting the change in my life I have read something John Assaraf  ( wrote. He was on his 4th day without sugar and he said a change leads to other changes.  And I thought actually; why not take advantage of where I was then and act in all areas of my life that needs to develop.  So here I am, writing this blog mainly to myself, but hoping someone else will read it as well, send some support or advice and may be, just may be will take something from it to their own life.
Next I am going to deal with my yoga and aerobics exercise. I was slacking in the past couple of months ever since we left London.