I am not sure if it’s the weather, the gray sky or the change of the clock but I have been speaking to a few people and we all shared the feeling of anger, frustration, not feeling like doing anything and generally being a little low for our usual self.
I am normally not a down person and during my low day my younger son did or said something that maid me smile. I felt the immediate change in my mood and did a little research about it. I knew about the effect of the smile on the mental state and I am sure a lot of the readers know it as well but here is a little reminder to us all.
The muscles we use for smiling send our brain a message of what mood we are in. So even if we are not happy and we put an imposed smile on our face it will put us in a happier mood and even make a joke seem funnier. This is a self help medicine when you are at work or in a position that you have to keep at what you are doing.
When you have the time meet up with people that you are likely to have a laugh with, watch a funny movie or remind yourself about funny past events you’ve experienced.
When combining the smile with slow breathing you can lower the level of stress you are in.
And one more thing about smiling…it is a king of exercise to your facial muscles and therefore prevents aged looking face. It also relaxes the people you will meet and will attract them to you. Smiles are contagious so you will end up being surrounded with smiley people. And there is nothing like a positive environment to feel generally uplifted.
Try it! What can you loose? Maximum you’ll feel better!