Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Mirror mirror by the wall…

If you ask people how they feel about their look you’ll find that most people are unhappy with one thing or another in their body. It could be their thighs, chest, ears’ shape or even their toes. 
It used to be a ‘woman’s thing’ but not anymore. There are reports that a lot more boys are turning anorectic.
I found a website that its mission is to change women’s attitude toward themselves ( which I think is doing a great job. They started by placing post-it notes in public places, like the public toilet mirrors, saying ‘you are beautiful just the way you are’ or ‘own it: you look amazing’ ect.
What we all should remember is that we are very different. No person is like the other and none of us is perfect. It is the way we see ourselves that makes the difference.
A lot of famous people are considered to be good looking or at least above average looking, or pleasantly looking etc. They look good not because they are extremely pretty. They are most probably quite average looking. But they are confident and this trait makes them come across as more attractive.  
But how can we suddenly become confident about the things that haunted us all our lives?   If you don’t feel it just fake it! Like the ‘fake smile’ I was talking about in ( you can fool your brain to feel confident by acting confident. Just stand tall, pull your shoulders back, keep your head up high and change your tone of voice to one that shows confidence. Behave like you have something to add to this world and therefore there is a place for you on this planet.
The more you act like a confident person the faster it will sink into your subconscious mind and you will feel that way.
Exercise is also a good way to make one feel better .The reason is the endorphin that releases in aerobic exercise or the toning that is the outcome. Do it for fun not for weight loss the other side effects will follow naturally.  

It is very important to count your blessing not you blemish. The more you concentrate on the positive things you have to offer, not just externally but as a person, the better you would d feel about yourself.
I once saw an interview with Whoopi Goldberg she said that every mornin when she looks in the mirror see a perfectly beautiful woman. She doesn’t have to perm her hair, add Collagen to her lips or roast herself in the sun for a tan.  It is not the look, it is the way you see yourself that matters!
Be kind to yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Another great post with great points! You know, if you think about it, not all famous movie stars are REALLY that great looking. My husband INSISTS Rod Stewart is REALLY ugly. :-) What do all of these folks have? Some self confidence - confidence that allows them to get up on stage and do something they know they are good at. That turns into beauty. Another reason to do what we love!

    Andrea Pettit
